Free Screening
- Layar Anak Indonesiana (Documentary)
- Layar Anak Indonesiana (Fiction)
- Layar Indonesiana 1: Hear The Ping Pong Sing | The Most Handsome Fish on Earth | Makwan City of Dreams – The Silvermen | Under The Whether
- Layar Indonesiana 2: Of Womb and Tomb | Knight of Blood | The Water Fairy | Fish, Please! | The Night is Long and It’s Yours Alone
- Bride Kidnapping
- Netflix REEL LIFE Creators Sharing "The Shadow Strays"
- Directed by Dian Sastrowardoyo's Compilation
- Home Sweet Loan (Inclusive)
- Home Sweet Loan (Public)
- Hard Boiled
- VIU: I Don’t Hate The Rain
- Sneak Peek: Jumbo
- Nyla
- Smong Aceh
- Comrades, Almost a Love Story
- All Shall be Well
- Sneak Peek: Qodrat 2