The Harvest
22 minutes | 2022 | Indonesia | Drama | Indonesian | English Sub. | 13+

Tells the story of Ritwan, a foster child who wants to make his dreams come true. However, he faced a dilemma when he had to be respectful to his adoptive parents to meet their expectations for participation in the Harvest.
LPP Taman Bintang | Dec 2, 2024 | 19:00 WIB
XXI Studio 5 | Dec 5, 2024 | 12:45 WIB
Director's Biography
Biografi Sutradara

Garry Cantona
Garry Cantona is a man with an accent who is currently working in the world of documentation and is developing with A Little Story, a documentation vendor in Berau. Starting from an interest in film in early 2007 in high school, then having the opportunity to join Blackhorse Film team in Yogya in 2015, succeeded in producing several films that felt very idealistic, until now he is still learning to develop his filmography knowledge autodidactically and through a series of trial and error.
Cast & Crew
Kru & Pemain
Production Company Miopi Pictures
Producer Didik Paryanto, Dhimas Dwi Nirwantoro
Scriptwriter Garry Cantona
Cinematographer Garry Cantona, Salman Afendi
Production Designer Garry Cantona
Editor Garry Cantona
Main Cast Ritwan Aziz Saputra, Norlaila, Hendra Darmawan
Notable Achievement
- Kaltim Film Festival, Indonesia. 2022
- Layar Mahakam, Indonesia. 2022
- Festival Film Bulanan, Indonesia. 2023
- Ejak & Rutunnya (2023)
- Panen (2022)
- Oshnulganie (2017)
- Emoh (2013)
[email protected] (Garry Cantona)