Public Presentation III: Bumi Nusantara
Intellectual Property sebagai Legacy
Bumi Nusantara hadir untuk berdiskusi dan berdialog bersama para komunitas film perihal eksplorasi ide dan pengembangan karya berbasis mitologi, mistis, dan cerita masyarakat yang seringkali diangkat menjadi film. Bumi Nusantara berperan sebagai platform kreasi dalam menggali cerita-cerita lokal yang dimulai dari membukukan cerita sebelum mengadaptasi ke dalam bentuk film. Forum ini berfokus pada bank ide, dimana para peserta komunitas dapat berbagi dan mengeksplorasi ide-ide kreatif dan berbagi perspektif dalam membangun ekosistem perfilman yang lebih beragam. Bersama Bumi Nusantara turut membahas persoalan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (IP) karya, baik yang telah dibukukan maupun difilmkan sehingga dapat memperkaya pemahaman peserta tentang pentingnya pengelolaan IP dalam proses kreatif dan produksi film.
Lokasi : LPP Convention Hall
Tanggal : Selasa, 3 Desember 2024
Waktu: 10:30 – 12:00 (WIB)
Bumi Nusantara
Bumi Nusantara started as a YouTube channel called Kisah Tanah Jawa in 2018 and transformed into an established platform in 2021. After the success of Kisah Tanah Jawa, Bumi Nusantara expanded its scope beyond Java to explore stories from the entire archipelago. This intellectual platform shares the rich cultures of Indonesia, focusing on historical, spiritual, and metaphysical themes across various digital platforms.
Medio Venda joined the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in 2022, where he worked in the Directorate of Anti-Corruption Socialization and Campaign (SosKam). He has been involved in the ACFFEST program series for the past three years. Currently, he leads a task force within SosKam that focuses specifically on the ACFFEST initiatives.
Dienan Silmy
Dienan Silmy is an Indonesian film producer and director known for his work on Cerita Cinta and producing Baracas: Barisan Anti Cinta Asmara, Satu Hari Nanti, Sinden Gaib, and the series Kisah Tanah Jawa - Merapi. Currently, he serves as the CEO of Evergreen Pictures. Born on August 2, 1989, Silmy's creativity extends beyond cinema; he is passionate about history and has developed intellectual properties related to it. In 2018, he launched one of his most significant projects, Kisah Tanah Jawa, which showcases local mystical and mythological stories from the island of Java.
Riza Pahlevi, a filmmaker from Yogyakarta, gained recognition for directing the 2015 film Makmum, which was later adapted into a full-length feature released in theatres in August 2019. He also directed its sequel, Makmum 2 (2021), and the short film adaptation titled Khanzab (2023). Riza is passionate about filmmaking, taking on roles as a director, producer, and screenwriter.
His recent short films include Kronik Puriwicara (2023), Tumbas (2023), Kediaman (2023), Maaf Mama Aku Kelepasan (2022), Kisah Seram untuk Telling (2022), Pingit (2022), and Pemberian Terakhir (2017). These works can be viewed on platforms like YouTube, Viddsee, and various OTT services, with some being screened for a limited time. This year, Riza received funding from SinemAksi for his project titled Bioskop Tengah Kota in Yogyakarta.