The Evolution of Role: Christine Hakim in Indonesia Film Culture
This year is Christine Hakim’s 50th year in the film industry, her name is not only known as an actress, but also as a producer. Dozens of awards have been received from festivals not only in Indonesia, in 1998 she even received an award from the Asia-Pacific Film Festival. In addition, she was also a juror at the Cannes Film Festival in 2002. Christine Hakim’s light shines through the film industry, giving color to the people involved in it. In line with this, at this 18th event, JAFF once again honored Christine Hakim as a reflection of her 50 years in the film industry.
Venue : LPP 1 – Enthusiastic
Schedule : Sunday, 26 November 2023
Time : 13:00 – 15:00 WIB
Christine Hakim
Actress & Producer
Gaston Soehadi
Ismail Basbeth
Film Director