Bacakut Pandir

Dir. M. Rizal
12 minutes| 2019 | Indonesia | Drama | 🔊 | Banjarese Language | Sub. Indonesia, English | 13+


Production Company: Sapakawanan Project

Producer: Zainal Muttaqin
Main Cast: Irwan Budiman, M. Syahriel M. Noor, Aisyah Husna
Screenplay: M. Yusi Andrea
Cinematographer: Ahmad Ridani
Editor: Dede Haykal, Ahmad Ridani


Burhan, a widower of 1 child and Isul, an old bachelor, openly declared hostility after the two had long debates about the difference in the president’s choice.

M. Rizal

M. Rizal

M. Rizal, born on 22 March 2002, is the first of three children. He enrolled in 2017 in the Television Production and Broadcast Program Expertise Program of SMK Negeri Banjarmasin. He has carried out Industrial Work Practices at SMKN 3 Banjarmasin in collaboration with TV Edukasi of the Information & Communication Technology Centre (Pustekkom) from August to October 2018. In the second period of Industrial Work Practice in January to March 2020, he received the Outstanding Student Program from the school so that he could carry out Industrial Work Practice at the Film Development Center (Pusbang Film), was involved in many committees at national events, including the 2019 National Film Day Committee and the 2019 SMK Teacher Film Workshop Committee.

Plunged into the world of film for the first time in 2018, but his film entitled "Pamali" has never been completed until now. Then became a soundman in the inaugural work of Sapakawanan Project SMKN 3 Banjarmasin entitled "Utas Jagau". After completing his Industrial Work Practice at the Film Development Centre, he was trusted as a director in the film "Bacakut Pandir".

He had the opportunity to attend a Basic Film Workshop in the Sound Class at the Film Development Centre in September 2019. Also a Film Workshop when participating in the 2019 Student Film Work Title. Has joined the programmer team at the Aruh Film Kalimantan 2019 film festival. He is currently active in the Forum Sineas Banua organisation.

Graduated in May 2020 and is now studying at Lambung Mangkurat University, S1 Educational Technology Study Programme. Because of his achievements with the Sapakawan Project team, he won an Excellence Scholarship from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture in September 2020.