Dir. Gusnita Linda, Riri Irma Suryani

9 minutes| 2022 | Indonesia | Documentary | 🔊Indonesia, Ngapak Banyumas | Sub. | 13+


Production Company: Cakrawala Cinema

Producer: Gusnita Linda

Main Cast: Bapak Parsan, Ibu Parsan, Eny Kuswati

Screenplay: Riri Irma Suryani, M. Fakhrul Asidiq



Mr. Parsan (56 years old) is the man behind the Rajawali Purwokerto cinema posters. He has been very dedicated during his 31 years of painting movie posters, while also working as a parking attendant at the Rajawali Cinema. This biographical film invites us to witness Mr. Parsan’s daily life, which is not very different from the other Purwokerto locals. The film is a tribute to Mr. Parsan’s perseverance in his work. From this humble short film, we can see that the Indonesian film industry is not only supported by celebrated works but also by Mr. Parsan’s virtue. Mr. Parsan is a Rajawali Cinema legend, a legend of Purwokerto.

Gusnita Linda

Gusnita Linda

Gusnita Linda Linda has an educational background in Film and Humanities Studies (S1 Television & Film ISI Padangpanjang and S2 Cultural Studies Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta). In 2009-2012 Linda was active in the Sarueh Film community in Padangpanjang. After that, she focused on research/criticism in film, art, design, gender issues and humanities. After a long time, it was only in 2021 that she returned to producing films as Producer and Scriptwriter of the Omnibus Film "Don't Just Shut Up" (2022), Producer of the motion graphic "Realizing Sexual Violence Free Universities" (2022), and Director of Video Art "Gender Vertigo" (2022) screened at the Rekarya Festival International Exhibition (2022) and Nandur Srawung #9 Yogyakarta (2022), and Poster "Get Lost in Material World" (2021) which was exhibited at the PostHuman International Poster Exhibition and Symposium.