
Dir. Muhammad Bagas Satrio

14 minutes| 2019| Indonesia| Narrative | 🔊 | Sub. | 13+


Production Company: Jogja Film Academy, Aranck Project

Producer: Annisa Dewi
Main Cast: Tri Sudarsono, Retno Yunitawati
Screenplay: Ludy Oji Prastama
Cinematographer: Ahmad Fathullah
Editor: Muhammad Adam Husein


Narno started his morning by broken the rules that his wife, Ainur made. He often driven his wife crazy with what he did. One day he felt exhausted and fell asleep, then his daughter, Arni called and made him sad.

Muhammad Bagas Satrio

Muhammad Bagas Satrio

After graduating from Jogja Film Academy, Bagas was active in film production in Yogyakarta.
Some of his short films have received appreciation at several festivals. After receiving the
Silver Award at Viddsee Juree Indonesia 2019, his last film entitled Special Course competed
at the Seoul International Food Film Festival and made it to the 2021 Indonesian Film Festival