TV Hanyar

Dir. Syarwani Muhammad

13 minutes| 2018 | Indonesia| Narrative | 🔊 Indonesia, Banjar | Sub. | 13+


Production Company: Gelang Merah

Producer: Syarwani Muhammad
Main Cast: Erwani Rahman, Mimin Sri Hermina, Muhammad Al-Hizaz Yamani
Screenplay: Syarwani Muhammad
Cinematographer: Zainal Muttaqin
Editor: Hidayatus Sholihin, Syarwani Muhammad


The husband watched the simultaneous local election news with a high volume so that his wife who was cooking in the kitchen was disturbed. This is the story of a couple of husband and wife who have different television shows.

Syarwani Muhammad

Syarwani Muhammad

Syarwani Muhammad is an Indonesian, director of the film TV Hanyar based in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. There are not many stories can be told because only 3 years know the world of cinema. Started his career as a Soundman Assitant in the film Hilang Production Phogoraphy Conceptual and Cinematography Banjarmasin in 2017.