
Dir. Antika Harianti

6 minutes| 2019| Indonesia| Narrative | 🔊 | Sub. | All Ages


Production Company: Geber Film Blitar

Producer: Carenina Atiyar P.


Gita, a teenager who is being left by her mother to go out of town, has to stay at home with her aunt who still believes in myths. She takes brutu for dinner, but her aunt still believes that brutu makes one forgetful.

Antika Harianti

Antika Harianti

Antika Harianti is a woman born in Blitar on August 4, 2002. Started to be interested in making movies when she was in high school by joining extracurricular films in high school and the Geber Film community until finally directing and writing her first film entitled Brutu while in high school. Interested in culture and customs and habits of various regions. He is currently taking his undergraduate program in Psychology at Brawijaya University.