It’s Wijilan

Dir. Alexander Sinaga

20 minutes| 2018| Indonesia | Documentary | 🔊 | Sub. | All Ages


Production Company: Hellhouse

Producer: Lorem Ipsum
Main Cast: Lorem Ipsum,Lorem Ipsum, Lorem Ipsum
Screenplay: Lorem Ipsum
Cinematographer: Lorem Ipsum
Editor: Lorem Ipsum


Helhouse has blended with the hood for five years . They also intiated a non profit movement such as workshops , creations and hip – hop performances named Kids on the Beats which is intended for children in Wijilan as a slide of loyalty to Wijillan for being the shade of Hellhouse . The event Shows Hethouse’s concern for the positive development of the future generation f9 Many people around Wijilan , especially parents , give high appreciation for these workshops Even there was a time when Helihouse held e huge event that blocked the whole Witen street which is the main road to Alun – Alun Selatan and Sultan’s Felace . A Unfortunately , night after the event was finished some negative responses appeared from tow people and local authonties that and a problem with the brand Hellhouse They thought that Hellhouse was not appropriate since it had the word ‘ hel ‘ in it On an internal meeting organized by the head of local police Helhouse was shoved to wipe off at the atribute that displayed Helhouse on every stores and homebase around Wilan

Alexander Sinaga

Alexander Sinaga

Alexander Sinaga is also a rapper and music producer of duo hip-hop based in Yogyakarta, named D.P.M.B. His album debut ‘Re-Attitude’ is on the list of Rollingstone Indonesia’s 20 Best Album in 2015. Donnero, his stage name, is also the founder of HELLHOUSE Records. Born in Magelang on October 17th 1986. He started to learn deeper in visual project in the mid-2016, created the music video of Indonesia’s finest rappers such as Iwa K, Kill The Dj, Tuan Tigabelas, Yacko, Mario Zwinkle, Boyz Got No Brain, and many more. Moreover, “It’s Wijilan Documentary” is his dedication as a hip hop head and also his debut documentary movie which he self-taught himself in directing and editing.